Many times, college students don’t know where to begin when it comes to finding a part-time job. They use strategies like looking online, calling the organization, and applying on their website. But, the majority of the time they don’t get a response as they fail to have that face-to-face interaction with someone from the company. Landing a one-on-one session with someone from the company/organization is quite challenging if you don’t have the connections. But, there is no need to worry, as Fairlane Center North will be the home to the Federal and Nonprofit Career Fair this Wednesday, November 7 from 9:30 am to 12 pm making it possible to have those interactions with representatives from the organizations you want to be a part of. Below we have highlighted some of the organizations that will be part of the fair, as well as some tips & tricks that will help you impress the representative you are talking to.
Many of the times, we don’t know if our major and what we are studying on campus will restrict us from applying and talking to certain organizations. So, we have come up with a list of some organizations present at the fair, that hire students from all undergraduate majors.
Organization | Location | Description |
ACCESS | Dearborn, MI | ACCESS strives to enable and empower individuals, families, and communities to lead informed, productive and culturally sensitive lives. As a nonprofit model of excellence, we honor our Arab American heritage through community-building and service to all those in need, of every heritage. ACCESS is a strong advocate for cultural and social entrepreneurship imbued with the values of community service, healthy lifestyles, education, and philanthropy. |
Accounting Aid Society | Detroit, MI | Accounting Aid Society is a volunteer income tax assistance (VITA) program that’s been successfully offering tax and financial services to taxpayers and small businesses in Detroit and southeast Michigan for the past 45 years. In that time, our services have returned over $440 million in tax refunds to individuals and small businesses in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb and Livingston counties. |
Drug Enforcement Administration | Detroit, MI | The mission of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is to enforce the controlled substances laws and regulations of the United States and bring to the criminal and civil justice system of the United States, or any other competent jurisdiction, those organizations and principal members of organizations, involved in the growing, manufacture, or distribution of controlled substances appearing in or destined for illicit traffic in the United States; and to recommend and support non-enforcement programs aimed at reducing the availability of illicit controlled substances on the domestic and international markets. |
Michigan College Access Network/ AdviseMI | Lansing, MI | Since our founding nearly a decade ago, the Michigan College Access Network has known that college changes everything, and perhaps even more critical to our mission is the notion that college is for everyone. We are proud to put forth a strategic plan that works to ensure that each and every student across Michigan has access to the knowledge, tools, and supports to make college a reality. Our mission is to increase college readiness, participation, and completion in Michigan, particularly among low-income students, first-generation college-going students, and students of color. |
Spectrum Human Services | Westland, MI | Since 1976, we’ve worked to strengthen children, families, and communities across the state of Michigan. Our assistance directly addresses the challenges SHS users face. Each day, more than 1,450 children, teens and adults who deal with mental, physical, emotional and/or behavioral challenges find help in a Spectrum program. And, we are gratified they do. |
U.S Department of Veterans Affairs: VR&E Division | Detroit, MI | To provide veterans the world-class benefits and services they have earned – and to do so by adhering to the highest standards of compassion, commitment, excellence, professionalism, integrity, accountability, and stewardship. |
There are thirty-five different organizations that will be present at the career fair so please go visit 2019 Federal and Nonprofit Career Fair Employer List and check out the entire list!
- Bring many copies of your resume to submit to employers.
- Research: before the fair, review the organization that you plan to talk to by looking at their openings, mission statement, vision, history and more. Spend some time doing this so that you can ask focused and specific questions that will impress representatives.
- Allow yourself to have time: don’t rush your conversation with the representative. Make sure that all other obligations are put to the side so that your mind is not racing to go to something else.
- Dress appropriately: it is very important to leave a lasting impression with the representatives and an easy way to do this is by dressing nicely. The term “business casual” is used in order to specify the look these days.
- Location: know where the employers you are interested in are located in the fair by coming early and taking a few minutes to scope the place out. This will help you be efficient when the chaos of the fair starts.
- Introduction: Extend your hand, say “hello” and state your name. Be prepared to talk about your interests, experiences, and strengths.
- Notes: keep a journal with you in order to take notes and write down some of the important names, numbers, emails you receive.
- Card: ask the representative for their card. Not only does this show further interest on your part but it also lets you get in touch with someone in the future that you have met.
So, with all of this coming up, start to prepare your resume, outfits, and introductions as you get ready to enjoy and hopefully land a job at the upcoming Federal & Nonprofit Career Fair!