Federal & Nonprofit Career Fair coming up!

Many times, college students don’t know where to begin when it comes to finding a part-time job. They use strategies like looking online, calling the organization, and applying on their website. But, the majority of the time they don’t get a response as they fail to have that face-to-face interaction with someone from the company. … Read more

TheHIVE: Social media app

There is a new app in town called “TheHIVE.” This app was created by content creator Kassandra who took the opportunity to make a better app after Instagram’s new update to remove the ability to see other people’s likes. With TheHIVE, one can finally have a chronological order feed of the people they are following. … Read more

The best holiday makeup looks

This past holiday season there were so many ways to get into the holiday spirit, and makeup so happens to be one of them. These 12 makeup artists and enthusiasts (including myself) used their faces to embody not only the Christmas spirit but the spirit of winter as well. It’s hard to not become overwhelmed … Read more

Australian bushfires ravage continent in unprecedented hot, dry season

Although bushfires are an expected and natural component of Australia’s natural environment, Sept. 2019 ushered in a period of expansive and devastating fires that have touched the majority of the continent. New South Wales, a state in the south of Australia, declared a state of emergency in November regarding the fires, according to Time magazine. According to … Read more

Student Government Vice President Amanda Saleh resigns due to intra-organization tension & culture

Amanda Saleh, who served as the University of Michigan-Dearborn’s Student Government Vice President since September, has resigned. Her official resignation date was January 7. Saleh said she had been thinking about resigning since December 2019. “At the end I just felt like it was best for me,” Saleh said. “I didn’t see any more growth … Read more